Meet The Pastor

Welcome! It is my privilege to introduce you to a special group of people called Calvary Presbyterian Church. Located just outside the beltway in Alexandria (near the Huntington Metro station) Calvary is an eclectic, international congregation. We believe everybody matters to God and we do mean everybody. Thus, we are a church for:

  • Individuals and families;
  • Young and old;
  • “Haves” and “have not’s”;
  • Gay and straight;
  • The churched and the unchurched;
  • Black, white, brown and every nationality;
  • White-collared, blue-collared and no collar;
  • Saints and sinners.

We like to describe Calvary as the “spiritual Ellis Island” of Alexandria. We are a people of hope and healing for those who are tired, broken and grieving. We are a place where people feel safe to ask questions, express doubts and struggle with faith and life. We are a congregation whose worship is filled with joy, praise and celebration that reflects our cultural diversity. We experience the presence of God in our midst and trust that God is forming us into people who can mediate God’s presence and grace to our community.Rev. Ken Rathje, Pastor

If you are new to Alexandria, new to faith or are looking for a new worshiping community, we invite you to join us Sunday at 10:00 a.m. We believe you’ll be glad you did!
