Greetings Calvary Family and Friends,

            If you are new to Calvary Presbyterian Church, thank you for joining us, and we are excited to get to know you. My name is Adam Miller, my family and I are members of Calvary, and I’ve been helping with the children’s ministry and writing this weekly blog for about eight months. I wrote in my first blog back in January, about the changing of the seasons, that the weather was starting to get warmer, and the days longer. Since then, we’ve welcomed Pastor Ken into the Calvary family, and experienced a season’s worth of life, from struggles and injuries, to baptisms and blessings.  

            As my high school teaching job is starting back up this week, and as my children are enjoying their last weeks of summer vacation, it feels like I’m at another turning point, heading into autumn. While I usually spend the start of my school year lamenting how short summer vacation felt, I don’t want to ignore the growth that occurred during this summer season. Just as I can’t enjoy the fruits of my labor until the harvest is complete, sometimes I can’t fully appreciate a season in life, until it is closing too. My children are bigger, some no longer fitting into clothes that they received at the start of summer. They will carry memories of our family summer activities their whole lives, even after I’m gone. They will continue to grow and learn at an alarming rate, and I’m sure I’ll be caught off guard when they are old enough to leave the nest.  

            Seasons are a necessary part of life on Earth, and as God says in Genesis, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22, NRSV). This fall, I am working on appreciating life’s seasons as they come and go, as God is present with us, whether we are in springtime or autumn, in a season of planting or of harvest.  


Adam Miller

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