For anyone visiting for the first time here at Calvary Presbyterian Church, WELCOME, and we look forward to getting to know you. For everyone we already know and love, it’s always great to get caught up with you, especially when you stop by for a visit.  

This week, we will be shifting our discussion from Ephesians to James. Both, in essence, are written to the Christian Church at large, which includes us. Like Ephesians, I have found that James is also a book on prayer and living right. This week in particular, I will be discussing James 1:19b., “let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger”.

In my own nature, I love to talk. Sometimes, I think out loud, no matter what my mood is. What brings me back to my rational self, is prayer. Prayer gives me time to think, to reflect, and to ask God for help. This freedom to think out loud with God often helps me to be more quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger with others. This also helps my heart to be right in caring for others.

This week, I encourage you all to be more thoughtful in your conversations with others. Pray your way through conversations if needed, but try to care for others through active sympathy and understanding. It’s hard sometimes…so we will think, talk, and pray our way through it together as a Christian Family.

All the best in our Risen Christ,

Rev. Ken Rathje

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