24 Jan Principal Organist: Jane Kerr
After moving to Alexandria to be close to their growing family, Jane Kerr and John Kerr began searching for their church home. On Palm Sunday 2013, John and Jane worshipped at Calvary for the first time and knew immediately, they were home.
We recently asked Jane what wants people to know about Calvary, and this is what she had to say:
“The love! It is everywhere here, it’s unmistakable, it is truly God in our midst. Entering this church you feel the warmth and welcome of our beautiful faith family. Cultures from around the world mingle and unite here for one purpose – to worship our Lord Jesus Christ.”
As organist, it’s not surprising that Jane’s favorite part of her ministry at Calvary is the Worship:
“Each worship service is a gift to our God – and from our God. Preparing music to praise and glorify God, and filling the sanctuary with the sounds of the organ feels like one of God’s ways of touching our souls with His love. Sharing in the delivery of God’s love through music is a great personal joy.”
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