07 Jul From the Pastor’s Desk: Years and Miles
Milestones are important. Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations and the like not only mark significant events, they offer opportunities to prayerfully and thoughtfully consider the arc of our lives as we remember them year after year.
I am in a reflective mood today. This week marks my eighth anniversary as Calvary’s pastor. Eight years of sermons, Session meetings, mission endeavors, Bible studies, budget planning, hospital visits, and praying with people. Eight years of funerals, leaky toilets, Easter Sundays, staff changes, roof repairs, and blogs. Eight years of welcoming new members, watching some members move away, writing annual reports, celebrating Advent, and baptizing infants and adults.
Never, ever in a million years when I accepted the invitation to become Calvary’s pastor did I dream this job would hold so many blessings, so many losses, so much laughter, sweat, and tears. Back in 2012, I didn’t know how much this diverse congregation loves to sing. I had no idea that bofrots would (and more to the point, should) appear on every Calvary potluck table or that Kente cloth would become a must-have addition to my wardrobe. I had never heard the words “metal fatigue” before. I was caught by surprise that sharing the “body and blood of Christ” at the communion table each month would bring tears to my eyes and connect me so deeply to a group of people.
I was unprepared for the overwhelming response to preaching about the Kingdom of God. I had no idea that the “other duties as needed” clause in my contract would include….well, everything. I didn’t yet know how pastoring this congregation would upend my prayer life. And challenge, expand, and test my faith. And patience.
Over these eight years, I have been awed by the powerful, palpable movement of God’s presence in worship and equally awed by the dedication of a group of precious women who, armed with Murphy’s Oil Soap and some rags, lovingly dispatch the spiders and dust mites from under the sanctuary pews. I have been humbled by people’s generosity, by their honesty and openness, and by their love of neighbor expressed in service. I have been ministered to by people’s prayers and inspired by their journey with God.
It has been a privilege to share these years and miles together, and Calvary, I thank you. Thank you for your patience with me, for your willingness to try new ideas, for your ongoing welcome of strangers, many of whom become dear friends. Thank you for shouldering one another’s burdens and sharing one another’s joys. Thank you for being awesome cooks. Thank you for teaching, singing, playing, giving, cleaning, planting, counting, throwing out, praying, greeting, ushering, and serving. Thank you for opening your hearts and homes to me and for being an incalculable blessing, “pressed down, shaken together, running over.” I am forever grateful.
Yours for the Kingdom,
Libby Davidson
Posted at 18:40h, 07 JulyThank you, Michelle for your 8 years at Calvary, although Tom and I have not been here from the start. We have received many blessings from your pastorate here at Calvary. How about 8 more years? That’s a contract!
Gabriel Mayeden
Posted at 20:58h, 07 JulyHappy 8th Anniversary to you Rev. Michelle. Indeed time really flies. The memory of your induction services is still fresh in my mind as if it happened only yesterday. Calvary is blessed to have a selfless and dedicated ministers who stands by her congregation through thick and thin. I pray for God’s strength and more wisdom upon you to lead His flocks into the land of glory. Happy Anniversary.