12 Apr Moving Toward the Cross
Dear Friends,
First and foremost, thank you for a wonderful day of worship on Sunday, followed by a dedicated and thorough assault on the dust and grime in the sanctuary and children’s Sunday school rooms! In addition, the cross was put up, the letters on the outdoor sign changed, and Easter banners were hung while the choir rehearsed and the bell tables were set up. With all the activity, one might get the idea that something big is happening around here this week!
And indeed, something big IS happening. Almost as soon as Christmas is over, I start thinking about Easter. Now, after all the weeks of planning and praying and hoping, we are in the midst of Holy Week. Like all pastors, I have numerous items still to be checked off my “to do” list as we move towards Sunday. But none is more important than taking time to actually experience the meaning and purpose of this special week. As I said in the Palm Sunday sermon, entering into Jesus’ pain and suffering is what allows us to appreciate the stunning, defining event that is the resurrection.
Each year I look for ways to help me understand Jesus’ sacrifice a little bit better. This year, I found this prayer, and I share it with you in the hopes that it will allow all of us to walk alongside Jesus on this Friday called “good.”
Yours for the Kingdom,
Holy One,
shock and save me with the terrible goodness of this Friday,
and drive me deep into my longing for your kingdom,
until I seek it first—
yet not first for myself,
but for the hungry
and the sick
and the poor of your children,
for prisoners of conscience around the world,
for those I have wasted with my racism and sexism
and ageism and nationalism and religionism,
for those around this mother earth and in this city
who, this Friday, know far more of terror than of goodness;
that, in my seeking first the kingdom,
for them as well as myself,
all these things may be mine as well:
things like coat and courage and something like comfort,
a few lilies in the field,
the sight of birds soaring on the wind,
a song in the night, and gladness of heart,
the sense of your presence
and the realization of your promise
that nothing in life or death will be able to separate me or those I love,
from your love
in the crucified one who is our Lord,
and in whose name and Spirit I pray.
Rev. Dr. Theodore Loder
Guerrillas of Grace
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