Author: Jenny Cudahy

23 Jun Rest. Renew. Rekindle.

A last (theological) word about the sabbatical Dear friends, Over the past two weeks, I have shared many of the logistical details of the Sabbatical Plan.  I hope you are beginning to feel comfortable that a lot of prayerful preparation and collaborative effort have gone into ensuring...

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16 Jun Sabbatical? What Sabbatical?

Dear friends, As promised, this week I will share more details about the upcoming sabbatical.  But first, a good question to consider is:  what is a sabbatical and why are we doing this?   The PC(USA), like a lot of church denominations (as well as many universities), recognizes...

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12 Jun Virtue Reality, Part 2

Virtue Reality, Part 2 Colossians 1:15-28 June 13, 2021 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Our live, hybrid service will be broadcast from our YouTube channel at 10:00 a.m. and can be accessed here. The adult worship guide can be downloaded hereThe children's worship page is here. This morning is Part 2 of our look...

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10 Jun Let’s Talk Sabbatical!

Dear friends, “Running the race” turns out to be an apt theme for this summer, as I am now racing the clock, trying to get ready for the start of the sabbatical.  My “to do” list is lengthy, and I am working diligently to get each...

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05 Jun Virtue Reality, Part I

Virtue Reality, Part I Colossians 1:1-14 June 6, 2021 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Our live, hybrid service will be broadcast from our YouTube channel at 10:00 a.m. and can be accessed here. The adult worship guide can be downloaded hereThe children's worship page is here. Back in the 90’s, author William Bennet produced...

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03 Jun It’s Been a Year, God

Litany from the May 25, 2021 National Capital Presbytery Worship Service Adapted from The Well Preaching Group It’s been a year, God.Maybe not for you, but that’s a long time for us to go without a lifeline.Because we trust your love above all else,we take a moment to...

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29 May Limping to the Finish Line

Limping to the Finish Line Philippians 3:4b-14 May 30, 2021 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Our live, hybrid service will be broadcast from our YouTube channel at 10:00 a.m. and can be accessed here. The adult worship guide can be downloaded hereThe children's worship page is here. This week we are launching a...

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25 May Running the Race!

Dear friends, I am excited to announce that this week we are launching the Calvary summer reading plan! Both adults and children will be “running the race” of faith as we dig into the Bible together over the next few weeks.  Just as a marathon is...

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