07 Sep God’s Goodness in the Changes
Dear Friends,
The calendar says it is September and although the weather hasn’t felt significantly less humid yet, I am grateful that my favorite season is nearly here. Already signs of autumn are appearing: backpack toting students and yellow school buses are everywhere. I watched the Razorbacks play their first football game of the 2022/23 season on Saturday. And we launched a new sermon series on Sunday to help us Connect ~ Grow ~ Serve together in faith.
But the changing of seasons is not exclusively about new things appearing or reappearing. The leaves on my Hosta plant, which has been stunningly lush and enormous this year, are turning yellow and shriveling. The peaches that were delicious a month ago are now mealy. Clearly, “prime time” for them is over. As Ecclesiastes says, to everything there is a season. Sometimes we forget that moving from one season to another involves change, some of which is new and exciting and some of which is loss and decay.
We have been reminded of that in the past two weeks as death came calling in our community. Noonie and Sherry have joined the Church Triumphant and while they are now experiencing life in a fuller form than we can possibly imagine, I miss them. I miss seeing Sherry in “her” pew, and I miss knowing that Noonie’s antics are creating smiles and laughter for all in his path. I feel their absence even as I celebrate their lives and enjoy memories that are precious to me. This change of season is good and right for them, but it’s bittersweet for us, as death usually is.
Alongside my sense of loss, I am also experiencing joy as I anticipate a new season at Calvary. Good things are happening! October 2 will be a special day as we connect, grow, and serve together. Worship will be centered around observing World Communion Sunday. Mission projects will include assembling hygiene kits, making soup, and cleaning up the backyard. And we’ll eat because eating is one of the things we do best! I’ve already been informed that authentic Cajun jambalaya will make what will surely be a short-lived appearance, as well as barbequed pulled pork smoked by the Pitmaster-in-Chief. Come hungry, bring something to share if you’re able, and come casually dressed. I am looking forward to a fun day together, a day to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to us, a day to savor being community.
Yours for the Kingdom,
Libby Davidson
Posted at 16:17h, 08 SeptemberWorldwide Communion Sunday has always been my favorite Sunday of the year! I almost get “goose bumps”, (as we “Ancients” used to say), when in my mind I name people and countries around the world bonding spiritually with us as “People of the Way “.