08 Jan Pastor Michelle Fincher Bio
In July 2012, Rev. M. Michelle Fincher was called to be the 8th pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church. Rev. Fincher is a native of Arkansas and attended Baylor University in Waco, Texas where she was awarded a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting. Her career as a Certified Public Accountant was short-lived, however. After two years in the field, she left to pursue the call of ministry. That call led her over a number of years to serve as a Conference Coordinator for the Family Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, as Director of Music for a military installation chapel, and as Director of Small Group Ministries for Fairfax Presbyterian Church in Fairfax, Virginia. In 2004 Rev. Fincher graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia. She served as a hospice chaplain and as the Interim Associate Pastor for Centreville Presbyterian Church in Centreville, Virginia before coming to Calvary.
Rev. Fincher brings warmth, energy, humor and a deep love for God to Calvary. In a recent interview with Pastor Michelle, she shared these thoughts about Calvary:
“I love Calvary’s passion for people and worship. I love our hospitality. I love our diversity. I love that children feel at home here. I love that people sense God’s Spirit actively moving in our hearts and lives.”
“I originally hail from the land of the Razorbacks, arriving in Northern Virginia via Baylor University in Waco, Texas; Little Rock, Arkansas; Sacramento, California; Denver, Colorado; Montgomery, Alabama; Mildenhall, England; Springfield, Virginia; Rapid City, South Dakota; and finally, back to Fairfax in 2000. My claims to fame are: expertise in packing, unpacking, and organizing that defies all laws of physics; dispensing life-changing advice for squirrel-haters; and elevating dark chocolate to its own USDA-approved food group. In addition, I am completely addicted to The Crown, am “Mom” to two smart and funny twenty-something year olds, am an avid Washington Nationals fan, and believe theology is the best bedtime reading ever.”
Posted at 20:32h, 20 April1 Corinthians 6 :9-11
Praise Yahshua for truth!
Posted at 20:33h, 20 AprilOr do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Jerry Wunder
Posted at 19:17h, 06 MarchHi Michelle,
Enjoy your up to date bio information. Sounds as if you’ve found a sweet spot to use your many gifts.
I’ve been calling Dan for months now with no response. Today, the message box was full. Can you please tell me what’s going on with him.
Hope you are well.
pastor sasha nyanchoka
Posted at 04:58h, 18 JanuarySister in the Lord,
Greetings to you my dear sister. God wants us women to become health in His word, He wants us to serve Him all over the world. never underestimate yourself that you are not able,that you cannot do what the men servants do for the Lord.
Sister , discovering that we have Spiritual qualities, that there is a unique about each one of us, God wants us to be useful to others- to use our talents and abilities to reach others and share with them about the love of God.
Please, don,t all to be hunted by the past.the more we look backward,the less we focus forwards and the more unlikely-God is able to make us attain our scored goals of winning more souls back to God.
We believe through my dear sister we shall receive Jesus and grow to his revelation, through you women in Africa will prove that you are called for serving them.
The work you are doing you are presenting God here on earth, your voice is the voice of God.
God has given you a responsibility to reach far to touch more and to win more souls to him.
The work you are doing, the reward is on it,s way
Sometimes-women played key parts in Biblical history the include good and bad queens, righteous maids, praying mothers, powerful leaders in the world,influenced wives,generous, cheerful givers,Pastors, evangelist, good singers, prophets,apostles, gracious host and faithful supporters and good friends of Jesus Christ.
Though women sometimes back were often given background roles,the new Testament shows them heavily involved in advancing the mission of the church.
Women remained true and stayed with Him up to the cross,women were the first witness of His resurrection.we women, we must commit ourselves in serving others, without race,tribe or learners.
In the early church,women were given a variety of roles and they helped many positions as well as for men of God.
Women of God, who fear God, They can accomplish a good and recommendable job for God. so for us, as followers of Christ,we need to consider our ways in the light of God,s calling and purpose with us, as we build God,s spiritual house of God.
Our Motivation for the things of God, now and in the future,begins in the mind,such that David could say,my son , as for me,it was in my mind to build an house unto the name of the Lord my God.
God informs us that, where there is no vision,the people perish but he that kept the law,happy is he[prov 29-18].
We are inviting you to visit us for sharing the word of God.we welcome you for the Conference in Kenya- Kisii county, we thank you for the commitment you have in serving God,s people around the world.[ 2022 Oct for 5 days]
My Sister , Partner with us for the word of God,we love you so much. we have seen your commitment you have to God,s people .be blessed and God will never forsake you the time you will need Him.
My Sister , greet your family and church you shepherd- be blessed
Pray for our growth and plant your work here in -Kenya.
Thank you,
Sister in Christ-
Pastor Sasha Nyanchoka