03 Nov Significant Shifts to Come
Dear Friends,
The calendar has turned a page and with the arrival of November, a number of significant shifts are occurring. First, of course, today is Election Day, and if you haven’t done so already, please remember to vote before the polls close. Every four years we have the profound privilege of allowing our voices to be heard and of shaping the trajectory of our nation. It is important that each of us do our part and take our civic responsibility seriously.
Secondly, November is stewardship month at Calvary. Stewardship letters and pledge cards have been mailed to each household and in addition, Dianne’s outstanding letter and an online pledge card have been made available on our website. Please prayerfully consider what God would have you do in 2021 to support the ministry that takes place in and through our church. Our stewardship is one of the spiritual practices that helps us grow in faith and mature as followers of Christ. It is a concrete way we demonstrate our love of God and love of neighbor.
Speaking of loving our neighbor, we have been so grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a family from Mt. Eagle Elementary School. Over the past three weeks, the school identified a situation of extreme need resulting from a recent COVID-19 related job loss. Because of your generosity to the Good Samaritan fund, Calvary was able to pay rent for a family of four through November, as well as cover some neglected (and painful) dental procedures for one of the parents and the 3rd grade daughter. It “took a village” to make all of this happen. Judy Viccellio got the ball rolling with her desire to assist a family suffering because of the pandemic; Janet Gayle utilized her contacts at the school to get information about this family; Barbara Yost’s Spanish skills were invaluable to facilitate communication; Glenn Fahrig recommended a dentist. The concentric circles of care have continued to expand, with folks adding donations, making phone calls, and offering whatever means of support are needed. It’s been a joy to watch it unfold. Never doubt, friends, that God’s Kingdom is alive and well among us.
Finally, with the arrival of November we begin to turn our attention towards Thanksgiving and then, Advent. As with everything else in 2020, the holidays will be different this year, but that does not mean they won’t be special and meaningful. We have so much for which to be grateful, and as we move towards Thanksgiving, let us be intentional about expressing our gratitude to God and to others for the many blessings we have received. Especially in light of Sunday’s All Saints service, this week is a wonderful opportunity to say “thank you” to someone who has had (or is having) a positive impact on your faith. Having people who care about our spiritual growth and are invested in helping us along the journey of faith is no small gift. Let’s each take a moment to identify someone who nurtures us spiritually or teaches us something about who God is and what it means to live as God’s beloved child, then express our thanks. It will be a blessing to them and to us.
Yours for the Kingdom,
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