28 Sep Worship Links For Sunday, October 1, 2023
Guest Pastor: Rev. Whitney Fauntleroy
Sermon Title: Believe It Or Not?
Text: Matthew 21:23-32
REMINDER: This week we will celebrate Communion. Please gather your Communion Elements before the service if you are worshiping at home.
Service Details:
- Our live, hybrid service will be broadcast from our YouTube channel at 10:00 a.m. and can be accessed here.
- The adult worship guide can be downloaded here.
- The children’s worship page is here.
- Click here for the link to give your offering online. (Thank you!)
Zoom dial-in number for those who want to hear (audio only) the service:
Dial: 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 814 5008 6063
Password: 072101
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