Author: calvary

13 Aug Grace Changes Everything!

This Sunday’s sermon is on a fairly obscure story in the Old Testament. The Arameans have been a thorn in Israel’s side, but now they’ve “upped the ante”, laying a full-scale siege on the Israelites’ city. Israel is surrounded, trapped: nothing and no one is...

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06 Aug Divine Healing

The story of the healing of Naaman is one of those Old Testament dramas that would make a great stage play. There is an A-list cast of characters, gut-rending emotion, surprising heroics from those in supporting roles, and a dramatic conclusion. But, it almost ends...

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30 Jul True Friends

There is a powerful story of friendship in the Gospel of Mark. A man is paralyzed and his four friends are so convinced that Jesus can help him that they put the man on a pallet, each grab a corner, and cart him off to...

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23 Jul Rahab the Prostitute

On Sunday I preached from Joshua 2 which is where we are first introduced to “Rahab the prostitute.” Rahab is a fascinating character. She is mentioned four times in scripture: in Joshua’s story of the fall of Jericho; in the genealogy of Christ in Matthew...

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06 Jul Calvary Blog Launch

Welcome to the maiden voyage of Calvary’s blog post! It is my privilege and delight to welcome you aboard for what I believe will be a thrilling journey. As we embark, I am eagerly anticipating what we’ll discover together: stunning vistas along an ever-changing horizon,...

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