17 Nov Blessings Abound
Dear Friends,
Without a doubt, there are myriad ways people will describe 2020 once it is finally in our rearview mirror. For me, it is already clear that I will remember it as a year for learning new things, and on Sunday, we will have yet another opportunity to add to our list of “firsts” with a Called Congregational Meeting via Zoom. If we want evidence that, Covid or no Covid, God is at work in our church, we need look no further than the people nominated to the 2023 class of Ruling Elders. Glenn Fahrig, Charles Frempong and Erika Rissi have responded to God’s call to serve this community of faith, and I am delighted. Please make every effort to join the congregational meeting (and prayers for the technology to work smoothly wouldn’t be amiss!) Look for details in the Friday e-letter for how to attend virtually or dial in by phone.
I want to say a special “thank you” to the Nominating Committee for their excellent work in presenting this slate to us. Elders Ann Honious and Vallerie Pringle chaired the committee while Samuel NiiAryee, Ilse Klopotek and Jane Kerr represented the congregation. Well done, good and faithful servants.
While on the subject of thanks, especially in light of next week’s Thanksgiving holiday, I have several additional folks to thank. Barbara Allen discovered yet another leak in our Boiler Room last Thursday evening, and since the repair service could not get to the church before 8 or 8:30, Ray Klopotek graciously volunteered to await their call and let them into the building. Thank you, Ray, for coming to the rescue! And thank you, Barbara, for staying late and coordinating a resolution to the problem. You are a gift!
For those who live near the church or who drive by it with any regularity, you’ve no doubt noticed that the “Little Free Pantry” has, for a number of weeks now, been looking rather sad. It has continued to be regularly stocked with non-perishable food items and just as quickly, those items have disappeared to feed our hungry neighbors. Janet Gayle’s eagle eye recently spotted a “free to anyone” cabinet which she toted to the church. She and Sharon G. are in the process of painting it to help protect it from the weather, and as soon as it is ready, our new replacement pantry will be put to use. We hope the Girl Scouts will be able to add their decorative paint touches later in the spring. Thank you, JG and Sharon, for your labor of love to support this vital ministry.
Finally, I am so grateful for you. You are a part of what makes Calvary the unique, special church family that it is. Perhaps the old adage is true: absence does make the heart grow fonder. These months apart have certainly reminded me of how blessed we are to share a common bond of faith in Jesus Christ. My prayer is that the challenges of this year will ultimately prove to have strengthened our faith and our desire to be together in community.
Wishing you a blessed, safe Thanksgiving,
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