
04 Apr Embracing Joy & Tidying Up

Do you ever feel like you are a little (or a lot) “late to the party”?  This happens to me with some frequency, in part because I don’t watch a lot of television and I’m not very social media savvy.  The most recent occasion of...

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28 Mar Spring Training for Disciples

The first day of school.  The first daffodil poking its head through the winter-hardened earth.  The first summer peach.  I love the “firsts” that signal the start of something new—the changing seasons, the turning of the calendar, one rhythm giving way to another. Today is one...

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21 Mar Make It Count.

An airplane crashes in Ethiopia on March 10 killing all 157 people on board.  A shooter opens fire at a Muslim mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 15 killing fifty.  Cyclone Idai ravages Mozambique on March 19, with 300 already reported dead, but some...

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14 Mar From What Are You Fasting?

was recently introduced to a new “app”.  It’s called “WeCroak” (  It’s not about bullfrogs.  It’s about mortality and death.  It’s based on a Bhutanese folk saying that to be a happy person, you need to contemplate death five times a day.  And so, five...

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05 Mar Peter: Flawed, Forgiven, Faithful

New Lenten Series March 10 Call of a Fisherman Luke 5:1-11 March 17 Walking with Jesus in the Storm Matthew 14:22-34 March 24 Keeper of the Keys Matthew 16:13-20 March 31 Bedrock or Stumbling Block? Matthew 16:21-28 April 7 The Power of Sonship Matthew 17:1-13 April 14 Palm Sunday “I Will Not Deny You” Matthew 26:17-25, 31-35 April 21...

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01 Mar Real Love is a Verb

As I mentioned last week, I have been ill with the viral menace that has afflicted so many people in my area.  During my time “out of commission” a friend’s birthday came and went without so much as a card from me.  Valentine’s Day passed...

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21 Feb Kleenex & Tea & Echoes of Grace

I have been sick.  I’ve had “the crud” which is my very technical, medical term for a virus that swooped in and knocked me completely flat.  I missed an entire week of work.  I came home from church one Sunday, went to bed, and did...

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18 Feb Ash Wednesday and Lent

Ash Wednesday: We enter Lent with a special Taizé service on Ash Wednesday (March 6). Mt.Vernon, Bush Hill, & Heritage Presbyterian Churches will join us in the Fellowship Hall for a light dinner at 6:00 p.m.followed by worship at 7:00 p.m. Lent Workshop: We invite you for another "Coffee...

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