
24 Mar Immanuel: God With Us

Dear Friends, First, I want to thank you for being part of our first ever live-streaming worship on Sunday, for inviting your family and friends to be virtually present with us, and for “sharing” it online later.   If I’m honest, I have to admit that...

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18 Mar St. Patrick & Our New Reality

Friends, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  In our new Coronavirus-driven reality, today is unfolding as an unprecedented observance of this day that commemorates the life of Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland.   Many gathering places that would typically be jam-packed with people...

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12 Mar Calvary, Coronavirus, and Best Practices

Dear Friends, News about Covid-19, also known as Coronavirus, is everywhere, and it is changing rapidly.  Now declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, it is clear that virtually all communities will be impacted by this virus.  Preparation, patience, and diligence are key as we...

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05 Mar Be Wise…But Not Anxious

Once a month I meet with a group of women from the church for a study of scripture.  This year we are examining the Ten Commandments in depth, and it has been an unexpectedly eye-popping experience. The Ten Commandments are viewed from a variety of perspectives. ...

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27 Feb A Season of Preparation

Last night my church hosted an Ash Wednesday soup supper followed by a Taize-styled worship service.  Three of our “sister” churches joined us, as has become our tradition. It is a tradition I love, as the four churches get together annually over a meal and...

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20 Feb A Lenten Silence

Five years ago, my church was in desperate need of a website redesign.  After what felt to me, a technology neophyte, like a long, involved process, the long-awaited update was ready to launch.  As part of this process, I was strongly encouraged to begin blogging....

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13 Feb The Gift of This Day

I have been surrounded by death this week. Okay, I know that is not the cheeriest of ways to begin a blog, but stay with me for a moment.  Yesterday marked the third anniversary of my father’s death.  Today would have been his 80th birthday, had...

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06 Feb Listening in the Silence

Life is loud.   At least, that’s been my experience of it lately.  It seems that I am surrounded by noise and more often than not, that noise is blaring at significant decibels.  Streaming services, 24/7 news cycles, personal playlists, devices that ping, sing, and ring...

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31 Jan God’s Grace is Sufficient

A couple of weeks ago, a friend gave me a book by Richard Rohr entitled, Breathing Under Water, and it has become my spiritual “traveling companion” for the first part of 2020.  Especially as we approach Lent in a month, if you are looking for...

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