13 Aug Fall Worship Series: Walking Wet
Fall Worship Schedule 2019
“Walking Wet” series
Coming this Fall: “Walking Wet“. Water plays a central role in the stories of scripture, from the chaotic waters of creation, to the River of Life in Revelation, where chaos is no more. Sometimes there is too much water (think Noah); sometimes there is not enough (i.e., the desert.) Join us for this sermon series as we explore some of the Bible’s more than 800 references to water.
Birthing Waters: Creation
Genesis 1:1-2:4
Life-Giving Waters: Baptism
Matthew 3:13-17
Absence of Water: Thirst and Longing
Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 42:1-2
Dangerous Waters: God’s Deliverance
Joshua 3
Stormy Waters: Faith
Matthew 14:22-33
Streams of Mercy: Forgiveness
Isaiah 35:1-2, 5-7; Psalm 51:1-12
Living Waters: Compassion & Hospitality (Communion)
John 4:1-30, 39-42; Acts 2:44-47
River of Life: Hope
Revelation 21-22
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