26 Nov Top Secret Mission
We are inviting you to join us on a “top-secret” Christmas mission. We are launching an initiative to commit “Random Acts of Christmas Kindness.” We will spread kindness all around the community, leaving no “footprint” except for a card that lets people know they’ve been “RACK’D.” We pray that we will be able to infuse our homes, schools, neighborhoods and workplaces with light and love during this very special (and busy) season.
We want to hear all about your top-secret escapades, so please snap a picture of your project and share it on the Calvary Facebook Page. We love this initiative because everyone can participate, and it gains momentum as people see others’ “RACK’D” photos online.(Sometimes a little healthy competition spurs one another on – the result of contagious generosity.) Click here for your RACK’D Calendar to help plan your mission. And don’t forget to download the RACK’d cards to leave with each “beneficiary.”
The possibilities for this program are endless – you can go big or small, depending on your schedule or resources. We want to take on a posture of servanthood, bearing light into the community as the hands and feet of Christ.
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