10 Mar Stations of the Cross
March 9, 2021
Dear Friends,
This Sunday is the fourth Sunday in Lent which means that Holy Week is right around the corner. As with all things in this pandemic-laden year, our observance of Holy Week will be different than in the past. A virtual “Stations of the Cross” will be available beginning Thursday evening, April 1. Our six stations walk us through Jesus’ final hours, moving from the Garden of Gethsemane, to Jesus’ arrest, to his crucifixion and burial, to Saturday, the day of waiting. A combination of scripture, prayers, photos or graphics, words to hymns, and questions for reflection are utilized to create an opportunity for us to “step in” to the drama that unfolds for Jesus and his disciples, including us.
Whether Stations of the Cross are done physically and in person or virtually, the idea is that every person can spend as much time at each station as is meaningful. You can do all six stations at once or divide them up over the course of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. One idea is to use the six stations as the catalyst for a devotional time on each of those three days. Regardless of how you choose to interact with it, the Stations of the Cross invite us to enter more deeply into Jesus’ suffering so that we are then able to enter more deeply into the power, the joy, and the glory of the resurrection. Watch for the link to the Stations of the Cross in the Holy Week e-letter.
Lenten Blessings,
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