Author: calvary

27 Oct Reformed and Always Reforming

This Sunday my church, along with many other churches around the country and around the world, will mark the 499th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. October 31, 1517 is the date we Protestants commemorate Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the...

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20 Oct Let Wonder Have Its Way

While I am away, one more prayer from Guerrillas of Grace: Let Wonder Have Its Way with Me O God, your gracious Spirit moves over the mysteries of living and dying and is strangely present to me in the falling leaves, the call of the wild geese, a child’s birth, the light in...

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13 Oct Need to Breathe Deeply

Last week I shared some reflections on prayer. To continue that theme, today I share with you a prayer from a beautiful collection of prayers entitled, Guerrillas of Grace, written by Ted Loder. If you happen to feel harried or overwhelmed, I hope this prayer will...

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