Author: Jenny Cudahy

12 May Called to be Prayerful and Wise

May 12, 2020 Dear Friends, The novelty of the novel coronavirus has completely worn off.  We are all “over it.”  The problem is that COVID-19 is not finished with us.  Not by a long shot.  Like you, I am soooooo tired of being cooped up, tired of...

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10 May God Won’t Fit in My Box:  Cain & Abel

God Won’t Fit in My Box:  Cain & Abel Genesis 4:1-16 May 10, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church   Click here to access the online worship service. 5-10-20 Adult Worship Guide May 10, 2020 Children's Page   This morning we arrive at the familiar, disturbing story of Cain and Abel.  Although this story contains...

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06 May Operating From Our Weaknesses

Dear Friends, In every person’s life there are moments that are so momentous, we never forget them.  Often, we can remember very specific details about these experiences—a smell, a sensation, a conversation, a look—that remain embedded in our memories, almost frozen in time.  For me, the...

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03 May Genesis:  Up the Wrong Tree

Genesis:  Up the Wrong Tree Genesis 3:8-15 May 3, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church   5-3-20 Bulletin Click here for the children's page for today. This week we are doing things a little differently!  We have pre-recorded the worship service in order to combine live music straight from Calvary's sanctuary.  Click here...

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29 Apr Happy Birthday, Calvary!

April 29, 2020 Happy Birthday, Calvary! On Saturday, my church will commemorate its 72nd birthday.  In our Coronavirus-laden reality, we won’t get to share a cake (chocolate, of course.)  Or sing together.  But, we will still be celebrating, just from our individual homes.    As I reflect on...

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29 Apr Genesis:  Free to Fall

Genesis:  Free to Fall Genesis 2:4b-9, 15-17, 3:1-7 April 26, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Click here to view the video from today's sermon. In classical mythology, the Fates are three goddesses who determine world events by spinning supernatural threads that determine our individual destinies.  If you believe in fate,...

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21 Apr Don’t Let the Psalmist Sing Alone…

Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Great are the works of the Lord,  studied by all who delight in them. Full of honor and majesty is God’s work, and God’s righteousness endures forever. God has...

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21 Apr Genesis:  Cosmic Elation

Genesis:  Cosmic Elation Genesis 1 – 2:4a April 19, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Click HERE to view the video of  this service. This morning we are beginning a new sermon series on the book of Genesis.  There are a number of reasons to study the first book of the...

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15 Apr Easter & Emmanuel: God is With US

April 15, 2020 Blog Post On Sunday we celebrated Easter, the highest and holiest day on the Christian calendar.  It was, without question, the strangest Easter I’ve ever experienced. Unable to be in the church sanctuary, separated from my congregation, devoid of the soaring sounds of...

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12 Apr He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Good News Anyone? Mark 16:1-8 April 12, 2020, Easter SundayMichelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Easter Sunday Adult Worship Guide Click here to watch the Easter service from this morning and click here for music to accompany your worship. News update…Headlines….533,000 cases; 20,580 deaths In our new reality of a virus-infected world, has...

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