
02 Aug Hagar Among US

Hagar Among Us Genesis 21:8-21 August 2, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Click here to join us on YouTube at 10:00 a.m. for live worship from our sanctuary, or to view the recorded service! You will find the adult worship guide here, and the children's worship pages here. “Being unwanted,...

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12 Jul Promises to Keep: Live Recorded Worship

Promises to Keep Genesis 17:1-8, 15-22 July 12, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Friends, click here for today's live recorded worship service. Click here for the bulletin and here for the children's activity pages. Names are a big deal.  Parents-to-be can spend months pouring over baby names, agonizing over exactly what...

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05 Jul July 5, 2020: Live (Recorded Worship Service)

Substitution Genesis 16:1-10 July 5, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church   Friends, click here for today's live (and now recorded) worship service. Click here for the adult worship guide and here for the children's pages. Some people love rollercoasters.  I am not one of them, but rollercoaster is an apt metaphor...

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28 Jun June 28, 2020: Livestreaming Worship

Today we are livestreaming worship directly from the Calvary Sanctuary via Facebook. Click here at 10:00am for live worship! Click here for the adult worship guide, and here for the children's worship guide. The children's message was pre-recorded, and parents are encouraged to listen to the story...

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21 Jun June 21, 2020: Covenant or Contract?

Covenant or Contract? Genesis 15 June 21, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Click here for the pre-recorded worship service. Click here for the adult worship guide, and the children's worship guide is here. This morning we delve into a biblical theme that pervades all of scripture, both Old Testament and...

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14 Jun June 14, 2020: Faith – Hard but Better

Faith:  Hard but Better Genesis 12:10-20 June 14, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Click here for the adult worship guide, and click here for the children's activity guide. Click here to access the pre-recorded service. Last week our series in Genesis made a significant turn, as the theologically foundational primordial history...

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07 Jun June 7, 2020: Ultramarathon Faith

Ultramarathon Faith Genesis 12:1-9 and Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-10 June 7, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church  Click here for the pre-recorded worship service for Sunday. Click here for the adult worship guide, and click here for the children's worship guide. One of the most challenges aspects of the Coronavirus has been that...

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31 May May 31, 2020: Online Worship Resources for “Down the Up Staircase”

Down the Up Staircase Genesis 11:1-9 and Acts 2:1-4 May 31, 2020 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Click here for the Adult Worship Guide:5-31-20 Pentecost Bulletin (1) And click here for the Children's Worship Guide: Children's Pentecost Bulletin Click here to access the pre-recorded worship service. The tower of Babel would be considered pretty...

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