
22 Sep Walking Wet:  Thirst & Longing When Water is Absent

Walking Wet:  Thirst & Longing When Water is Absent Exodus 17:1-7 and Psalm 42:1-2 September 22, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church [audio m4a=""][/audio] In the first two weeks of our Walking Wet series, we have looked at the watery chaos from which creation was birthed and at the life-giving...

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18 Sep Walking Wet:  The Life-Giving Waters of Baptism

Walking Wet:  The Life-Giving Waters of Baptism Matthew 3:1-6, 13-17 September 15, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church What comes to mind when I say the word “baptism”?  Baptism is practiced by all Christian churches, but we practice it in such different ways and for different reasons and under different...

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09 Sep Walking Wet: The Birthing Waters of Creation

Walking Wet:  The Birthing Waters of Creation Genesis 1:1-2:3 September 8, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Click below to hear Sunday's Sermon! [audio m4a=""][/audio] This morning we embark on a new sermon series called, Walking Wet.  As you can probably guess, these sermons are all about water.  Perhaps you haven’t...

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03 Sep Malachi:  Because of God’s Love

Majoring on the Minors Malachi:  Because of God’s Love Malachi 3:1-4 and 4:1-6 September 1, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Eleven weeks ago, we started our summertime journey through the Minor Prophets, and today, we arrive at the twelfth and final one, the prophet Malachi.  Malachi writes 450 years...

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28 Aug Zechariah:  A Purpose-Driven Life

Majoring on the Minors Zechariah:  A Purpose-Driven Life Zechariah 14:1-9 August 25, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church  Click below to hear the sermon. [audio m4a=""][/audio] Leo Tolstoy is regarded as one of the great novelists in world literature.  He wrote many books of lasting significance, including War and Peace.  Most people...

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21 Aug Haggai Is for Hope

Majoring on the Minors Haggai Is for Hope Haggai 1:7-11 and 2:1-9 August 18, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church With the conclusion of the prophet Zephaniah, who we read last week, the Minor Prophets take a sharp turn.  Up to this point the prophets had been tasked with calling...

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13 Aug Zephaniah:  The Day of the Lord

Zephaniah:  The Day of the Lord Zephaniah 3:14-20 August 11, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church One of the challenges of preaching a sermon series on the Minor Prophets is that prophets have always had a tough job.  God doesn’t call prophets to action to spread the word about...

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06 Aug Habakkuk:  How Long, O Lord, How Long?

Majoring on the Minors Habakkuk:  How Long, O Lord, How Long? Habakkuk 1:1-4 and 3:17-19 August 4, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church How long, O Lord, how long?  How long will cancer ravage the bodies of people we love?  How long will this sense of despair hang over me? ...

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31 Jul Nahum Who?

Majoring on the Minors Nahum Who? Nahum 1:1-15 July 28, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church This morning we come to the seventh of the twelve Minor Prophets we are studying this summer, and if you’ve been waiting for a guy who seems full of hell, fire, and brimstone,...

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23 Jul Micah:  From Great to Good

Majoring on the Minors Micah:  From Great to Good Micah 6:1-8 July 21, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church [audio m4a=""][/audio] In 2001, business and leadership writer Jim Collins wrote a bestselling book titled Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t.  Collins conducted research on eleven...

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