
12 Jun Church:  Relationships, Relationships

Church:  Relationships, Relationships Ephesians 5:21-6:9 June 10, 2018 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Misconceptions about church are legion:  church is a place that’s all about rules, especially the “thou shalt nots.” The people in churches are judgmental, hypocritical, fanatical, or uptight.  Churches are cold, sterile, boring and repetitive or...

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06 Jun Church:  Keepers of Negative Space

Church:  Keepers of Negative Space Ephesians 4:17-5:20 June 3, 2018 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church To this point in Paul’s letter, virtually everything has been stated with glowing affirmation.  Paul is extravagant in his enthusiasm, unstoppable in his praise. The energy of his verbiage overflows with metaphor and simile, stretching...

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01 May Bless God, Bless Others

Bless God, Bless Others Ephesians 1:15-23 April 29, 2018 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church What better day could there be to talk about the blessings of God than today when we celebrate the blessing of Sophia being presented her Bible, the Karikari wedding yesterday, Calvary’s 70 years of faithful ministry,...

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25 Apr The Interesting Thing About Religion is God

The Interesting Thing About Religion is God Ephesians 1:3-14 April 22, 2018 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church After our initial introduction last week to the book of Ephesians and its focus on helping us grow up as followers of Christ, this morning we dive into the deep end of this...

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19 Apr Saints and Sinners: The Miracle of Church

Saints and Sinners:  The Miracle of Church Acts 18:24-19:7 and Ephesians 1:1-2, 4:1-3 April 15, 2018 Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Wendell Berry, the American novelist, poet and cultural critic has famously observed that, “We think it ordinary to spend twelve or sixteen or twenty years of a person’s life...

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