
17 Jul The Jonah Soundtrack

Majoring on the Minors The Jonah Soundtrack Jonah 3:10-4:11 July 14, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church As we continue our summer sermon series on the Minor Prophets, we come this morning to the one prophet out of the twelve that we’ve likely all heard of—the prophet Jonah.  Because Jonah...

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11 Jul Majoring on the Minors

Majoring on the Minors Obadiah:  Family Feud Romans 12:1-5 and Obadiah 11-15 July 7, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church One of the great ironies of human love and relationships is that we experience the greatest hurt from those who are closest to us.  The deepest emotional wounds are rarely...

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02 Jul Amos:  Resisting Social Injustice & Religious Complacency

Majoring on the Minors Amos:  Resisting Social Injustice & Religious Complacency Amos 2:4-8 and 5:21-24 June 30, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Click below to listen to the sermon! [audio m4a=""][/audio] Today is our third Sunday in this summer’s Minor Prophet series, and one of the things I am loving about...

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26 Jun Joel: Overcoming Spiritual Dryness

Majoring on the Minors Joel: Overcoming Spiritual Dryness Joel 2:23-32 June 23, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church Did you know that grasshoppers possess five eyes, six legs, and two antennae?  They eat their body weight in vegetation every day.  Their hind legs function like springs enabling them to jump...

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20 Jun Majoring on the Minors:  Hosea

Majoring on the Minors:  Hosea Hosea 2:16-20 and 11:1-9 June 16, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church This morning we begin a sermon series on the Minor Prophets.  Let me ask, who recalls ever hearing a sermon preached from the book of Nahum?  What about Haggai?  Any takers for...

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12 Jun Has the Church Lost Its Voice?

Has the Church Lost Its Voice Acts 2:1-21 and Romans 8:14-17 June 9, 2019:  Pentecost Sunday M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church [audio m4a=""][/audio] This morning we’re going to talk about talking about God.  But talking about God can be difficult to get right, even among clergy. A priest and a pastor...

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08 Jun Minding the Gap – Unity

Minding the Gap – Unity John 17:20-26 Calvary Presbyterian Church Gene Kendall, Jr.   [audio m4a=""][/audio] Do you ever get so tired of hearing a phrase, repeated so often, that it’s not only annoying but if you hear it one more time, you think your head might explode?  I was reading...

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04 Jun Does G.O.D. Deliver?

Does G.O.D. Deliver? Psalm 91 May 26, 2019 M. Michelle Fincher Calvary Presbyterian Church So, where does God live?  Would you believe me if I said, “Kearney, New Jersey?”  That’s the impression people might have gotten as they drove by a certain trucking terminal in that city—until a few years...

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28 May Breakfast On the Beach

Breakfast on the Beach John 21:1-19 A Sermon by Rev. Gene Kendall, Jr. Calvary Presbyterian Church May 5, 2019 I want to do a quick check on how observant you as a congregation are.  So, by a quick show of hands, how many of you noticed a difference in sermon...

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