12 Feb Growing in Faith Together: Spring Training for Disciples!
We love children at Calvary. We LOVE children at Calvary. WE LOVE CHILDREN AT CALVARY!
We love them in worship, at coffee hour, serving alongside them, and learning from them. And we love our Calvary PARENTS. We take seriously our role as a congregation to support our Calvary parents and fulfill our Baptismal vows. We believe that parents are THE experts when it comes to nurturing the faith of our littlest disciples. Parents know the routines that best fit their children: the way they like to wake up, and how they go to sleep. Parents know the foods they love, their favorite dinners, what they love to do…what they LOATHE doing. And we want to put resources in the hands of our treasured parents to help them identify and claim those times that are most fertile for growing faith. We want to give parents easy ways to weave faith into the folds and creases of daily life, and the season of Lent is the perfect time for a fresh start.
So let’s address parents directly for a moment: we KNOW you are busy, tired, overwhelmed, and STRETCHED. Let us know how to help you. For now, we encourage you to spend an hour, a day, or even ten minutes…in prayer, considering how you can examine your daily routines and family time to name God when you see Him. This will automatically orient you “upward” to bring God along on your parenting journey, welcoming God to your family table, and tucking your little ones in with the comfort of God’s presence. As you think about the forty days of Lent, think about what you ALREADY know you will be doing. Are you planning to attend worship, spend more time in scripture, or make prayer a priority? Are you planning a spring break, or a special Easter celebration? We will be offering tangible ways to journey through Lent together. Many of these suggestions are based on the “Four Keys to Growing Faith at Home.”
There are so many Lenten resources for families, and we will wade through them and offer the ones that are easy to remember and implement. THIS is a great article, and may be a great place to start. Families who attend worship at Calvary will be able to bring home a “Lenten Bag” with a special book and some easy, fun activities to anchor your practice.
Grateful to be on this journey with you,
Jenny Cudahy
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