17 Nov

Lifting Our Hearts to Join Your Prayers

Another week, another shooting.  More lives shattered by violence.  Another community stunned by the reality that it doesn’t just happen “to somebody else.”  To the countless prayers that have been offered, I invite us to take a moment now to pray yet again. Merciful God, we...

08 Nov

More Than Thoughts & Prayers

As many people have noted this week, only 35 days elapsed between the mass shooting in Las Vegas and the events of this past Sunday in Sutherland Springs, Texas.  Once again our lives have been abruptly, horribly disrupted by an incident of gun violence that...

02 Nov

Sabbath Gifts from the Sea

I recently spent a week at the beach.  It was my first time to ever be at the beach in late autumn, and I had no idea what I was missing.  The weather was perfect, and the beach was deserted.  There was virtually no traffic,...

18 Oct


I hate squirrels.  Really, really hate them.  Not all squirrels, mind you.  Just the ones that like to hang out on my deck, dig up my recently planted bulbs, and tear up my beautifully potted, not inexpensive perennials.  These squirrels, the ones that think they...

12 Oct

Moses: God’s Relentless Pursuit of Us

This past Sunday we finished a 17-week sermon series on Moses and the Old Testament book of Exodus.  I loved preaching this series.  I had wanted to preach on Moses for at least a couple of years, and from my perspective, his story lived up...

09 Oct

Processing through the Lens of Faith

I spend most Mondays immersed in reading and writing.  I journal, reflecting on the worship service the day before.  I think about the tasks, events and responsibilities of the week.  I recharge my spiritual battery by reading and praying.  And, I spend time doing sermon...

28 Sep

Seasons of the Spirit

I love autumn.  It is my favorite season.  I love the changing leaves, the crispness in the air, savoring the first pot of chili, SEC football, mums on the porch, and all things pumpkin.  I love the return to routine, the feel of soft, well-worn...

21 Sep

Dismantling our Idols

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word, “idol?”  A small statue of an animal or other object used for worship?  Or perhaps a famous person who is greatly admired comes to mind—a teen heartthrob or movie star.  Before the...

15 Sep

Practicing Community

“What is the best thing about being part of a religious order?” a monk was once asked.  “Community,” he replied.  “Living with my brothers.”  “And what is the hardest thing about being part of the order?” asked the questioner.  “Community,” the monk replied.  “Living with...

30 Aug

A Faithful Response to Disaster

The images have been horrifying and unforgettable. Streets turned to rivers. People clinging to the tops of cars or houses. The rain and wind unrelenting. And there have been other images as well, also unforgettable, but these gladden the heart: people using anything that will...