20 Apr


Dear Friends, I woke up on Easter Monday with a heart overflowing with gratitude.  First, for Erika and our legion of Moppers Extraordinaire: thank you.  Without you, our Easter service would not have been possible.  I shared part of the story of the Great Flood during...

12 Apr

Moving Toward the Cross

Dear Friends, First and foremost, thank you for a wonderful day of worship on Sunday, followed by a dedicated and thorough assault on the dust and grime in the sanctuary and children’s Sunday school rooms!  In addition, the cross was put up, the letters on the...

06 Apr

Re-Engage with Joy!

Dear Friends, Despite the fact that it is cold and rainy and rather miserable outside this morning, I feel the energy, warmth, and “aliveness” of spring.  There are visible signs of it, of course—trees are budding (and so are people’s allergies.)  I encounter more folks along...

23 Mar

It’s Been a Long Time Coming!

Dear Friends, Daffodils are blooming, birds are singing, and Spring has officially arrived.  I’m guessing I’m not the only one buoyed by signs of new life and better weather, even if the latter remains rather unpredictable and inconsistent.  Still, April is coming and with it, Holy...

16 Mar

Hope, Good News, & Community

Dear Friends, At the end of last week, I was scrolling through news feeds when this headline jumped out at me (perhaps you saw it, too):  “the American Psychological Association’s annual ‘Stress in America’ poll (published last Thursday) found that U.S. adults — already weary from...

09 Mar

Who are the Stretcher Bearers?

Dear Friends, Ideas for sermons and sermon series can come from almost anywhere.  There have been times when I read a book or had a conversation or was asked a question that proved to be the inspiration for a sermon.  At other times, I felt the...

03 Mar

Seeing Hope through Darkness

Dear Friends, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”   Perhaps you know this quote penned by Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities.   But do you know the rest of it?  The complete sentence is: “It was the best of...

24 Feb

Glimpses of Normalcy

It seems like we were just gaining traction on our efforts to equip parents and grandparents to grow faith at home when, like everything, the pandemic brought those efforts to a screeching halt. The Calvary family was beginning to look forward to our intergenerational workshops,...

16 Feb

Listen for the Joy

Dear Friends, What are your favorite sounds?  This was the question that was posed to me a couple of weeks ago by a friend.  It’s a fun question and a profound one.  Think about it….what are your favorite sounds? For me, there are several that jump immediately...

09 Feb

A Surge of Hope…

Dear Friends, I am on the proverbial “Cloud 9” this morning after watching my Razorbacks defeat #1 ranked Auburn in basketball last night.  It was a thrilling game going to overtime, no less, and it looked like large sections of Bud Walton Arena in Fayetteville never...