05 Mar

Peter: Flawed, Forgiven, Faithful

New Lenten Series March 10 Call of a Fisherman Luke 5:1-11 March 17 Walking with Jesus in the Storm Matthew 14:22-34 March 24 Keeper of the Keys Matthew 16:13-20 March 31 Bedrock or Stumbling Block? Matthew 16:21-28 April 7 The Power of Sonship Matthew 17:1-13 April 14 Palm Sunday “I Will Not Deny You” Matthew 26:17-25, 31-35 April 21...

01 Mar

Real Love is a Verb

As I mentioned last week, I have been ill with the viral menace that has afflicted so many people in my area.  During my time “out of commission” a friend’s birthday came and went without so much as a card from me.  Valentine’s Day passed...

21 Feb

Kleenex & Tea & Echoes of Grace

I have been sick.  I’ve had “the crud” which is my very technical, medical term for a virus that swooped in and knocked me completely flat.  I missed an entire week of work.  I came home from church one Sunday, went to bed, and did...

18 Feb

Ash Wednesday and Lent

Ash Wednesday: We enter Lent with a special Taizé service on Ash Wednesday (March 6). Mt.Vernon, Bush Hill, & Heritage Presbyterian Churches will join us in the Fellowship Hall for a light dinner at 6:00 p.m.followed by worship at 7:00 p.m. Lent Workshop: We invite you for another "Coffee...

09 Feb

School Street Ramblers: Sunday, February 10

The School Street Ramblers return to Calvary Presbyterian Church for service of gospel and praise music on Sunday, February 10th at 10:00 a.m. There will be an informal jam session following the service. Come and sing and dance as the Ramblers once again provide a unique...

17 Jan

The Best Laid Plans…

What is that saying about “the best laid plans of mice and men”????? Last week I wrote about how excited I was to launch our new sermon series on the Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Lively Virtues.  Then the weather forecast changed. And changed. And changed...

03 Jan

Pausing to Reflect before Moving Ahead

I love the start of a new year.  Once upon a time there were certain rituals that marked this occasion—starting a new checkbook register, beginning a new appointment calendar, perhaps opening a new journal.  Now, of course, I keep up with my appointments on my...