26 May

From the Pastor’s Desk

May 26, 2020 Dear Friends, Our lives continue to be impacted by COVID-19 in so many ways.  Our concern for those who have been made seriously ill by the coronavirus or who have died from it, leaving grieving friends and family behind, is top of our list,...

19 May

From the Pastor’s Desk

May 19, 2020 Dear Friends, You know that saying, “You live by the sword, you die by the sword”?  I’ve pretty much always felt that way about technology—when it works, great, but when it doesn’t, we’ve become so dependent on it that it can really disrupt our...

12 May

Called to be Prayerful and Wise

May 12, 2020 Dear Friends, The novelty of the novel coronavirus has completely worn off.  We are all “over it.”  The problem is that COVID-19 is not finished with us.  Not by a long shot.  Like you, I am soooooo tired of being cooped up, tired of...

06 May

Operating From Our Weaknesses

Dear Friends, In every person’s life there are moments that are so momentous, we never forget them.  Often, we can remember very specific details about these experiences—a smell, a sensation, a conversation, a look—that remain embedded in our memories, almost frozen in time.  For me, the...

29 Apr

Happy Birthday, Calvary!

April 29, 2020 Happy Birthday, Calvary! On Saturday, my church will commemorate its 72nd birthday.  In our Coronavirus-laden reality, we won’t get to share a cake (chocolate, of course.)  Or sing together.  But, we will still be celebrating, just from our individual homes.    As I reflect on...

21 Apr

Don’t Let the Psalmist Sing Alone…

Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Great are the works of the Lord,  studied by all who delight in them. Full of honor and majesty is God’s work, and God’s righteousness endures forever. God has...

15 Apr

Easter & Emmanuel: God is With US

April 15, 2020 Blog Post On Sunday we celebrated Easter, the highest and holiest day on the Christian calendar.  It was, without question, the strangest Easter I’ve ever experienced. Unable to be in the church sanctuary, separated from my congregation, devoid of the soaring sounds of...

07 Apr

Holy Week Blessings

April 7, 2020 Dear Friends, On Sunday, with a service of palms and passion, we launched into Holy Week, the most sacred week in the Christian calendar. I’ll be honest—a)I don’t much feel like it is Holy Week, regardless of what the calendar says, and b)I felt...

01 Apr

An Easter “Primer” for Parents

For parents, the weeks preceding Christmas provide multiple opportunities to celebrate the birth of Christ in ways that appeal to children, and are easily understood. Children learn by “finding themselves in the story,” and who can’t identify with some part of the Gospel accounts depicting...

31 Mar

From the Pastor’s Desk…

Dear Friends, By now you are no doubt aware of the mandatory orders of the Virginia and Maryland governors as well as D.C.’s mayor to stay home.  The Virginia order, issued Monday, March 30, runs through June 10 which means that it will be much longer...