22 Mar

Blanketed by Snow and Forgiveness

Have you noticed that children do not have to be taught to be loud? Really, really loud? I considered this seemingly universal truth again yesterday. The Washington DC area was blanketed by about 8 inches of a “welcome to the first full day of Spring,...

15 Mar

Waiting on the World to Change

How do you handle waiting?  I don’t know anyone who actually likes to wait, but waiting is a pretty regular part of all our lives.  We wait in line and in traffic. We wait on our spouse or children.  We wait on the nurse to...

09 Mar

Setting Aside Our Politics

  Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake their way, and the unrighteous their thoughts; let them return to the Lord, that he may have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. -Isaiah 55:6-7 Look...

08 Feb

Stepping out in Faith to Be the Kingdom

This past Sunday my community of faith gathered for worship as we do each week.  Following the service, however, we moved downstairs into the Fellowship Hall for lunch and our annual congregational meeting.  This event is an opportunity for us to spend time over a...

01 Feb

Walking Wet…Leaving Footprints of Grace

I am hungry. When I am physically hungry, my stomach has a no-nonsense way of getting my attention. It gurgles and growls. I feel an emptiness and a gnawing in my belly that my body is inviting me—no, demanding me—to address. The physical sensations that...

25 Jan

Simplicity, Part 2

A few years ago I was doing some reading about Sabbath and Sabbath practices.   It is tragic that for many people, “Sabbath-keeping” is associated with all the things you aren’t allowed to have or do on Sundays.  A strict list of what can seem like...

18 Jan

Simplicity, Part 1

Simplicity.  That is my word for 2018, and I am embracing it with a vengeance. One of the reasons that simplicity is my focus this year is that I recognize within me a deep hunger and longing for it.  I am coming off a year that...