16 Dec

Becoming the Gift

Dear Friends, We are just a few days away from the winter solstice.  Next Tuesday, December 21st, at 10:59 a.m. EST, the sun will reach its southernmost point in the sky for the year.  For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice marks...

08 Dec

Preparing to Birth Something…in YOU

Dear Friends, We are now half-way through the season of Advent.  Over the years, I have developed a deeper and deeper appreciation for this liturgical season, which invites us to slow down, anticipate, and prepare for the coming of Jesus, rather than rush straightaway to the...

17 Nov

Enough Is Enough…

Dear Friends, Thank you for a wonderful celebration of God’s faithfulness to us on Stewardship Sunday.  It was a joyful, worshipful experience, as we gave thanks for God’s gifts and blessings, and as we made our commitments for the year ahead.  If you attended Sunday’s service,...

03 Nov

From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Friends, First, thank you, thank you for the warm and gracious welcome back.  What an unexpected blessing to walk into my office Monday morning and discover it bursting with balloons, hearts, notes and cards covering my desk, hanging from the ceiling, and draped over everything...

23 Jun

Rest. Renew. Rekindle.

A last (theological) word about the sabbatical Dear friends, Over the past two weeks, I have shared many of the logistical details of the Sabbatical Plan.  I hope you are beginning to feel comfortable that a lot of prayerful preparation and collaborative effort have gone into ensuring...

16 Jun

Sabbatical? What Sabbatical?

Dear friends, As promised, this week I will share more details about the upcoming sabbatical.  But first, a good question to consider is:  what is a sabbatical and why are we doing this?   The PC(USA), like a lot of church denominations (as well as many universities), recognizes...

10 Jun

Let’s Talk Sabbatical!

Dear friends, “Running the race” turns out to be an apt theme for this summer, as I am now racing the clock, trying to get ready for the start of the sabbatical.  My “to do” list is lengthy, and I am working diligently to get each...

03 Jun

It’s Been a Year, God

Litany from the May 25, 2021 National Capital Presbytery Worship Service Adapted from The Well Preaching Group It’s been a year, God.Maybe not for you, but that’s a long time for us to go without a lifeline.Because we trust your love above all else,we take a moment to...